Welcome to Pelita Hati School, a good learning community where students are engaged and challenged to reach their maximum potential. Our strong belief in the importance of children being happy in order to be truly successful permeates all we do; the broadening of interests and the development of personal qualities is an exceptional feature of school life here at Pelita Hati School.
Cultivating students to be independent and empowered learners who possess strong self-esteem, self-confidence and discipline. We ensure that all are encouraged in developing self-belief and high levels of motivation. We pride ourselves on how well-equipped our students are in tackling and succeeding at every stage of their learning journey, here at Pelita Hati School and beyond, into further education and successful.
High academic standards and appropriate pathways ensure that all students are immersed in learning programmes that will best meet their needs.
At Pelita Hati School we care about every individual and pride ourselves on the warmth of our community in which all our students, parents and staff feel challenged, valued and successful.
Kind Regards,
H.M. Arum Sabil
CEO / Founder
At Pelita Hati we take Education very seriously. Our students will leave school and enter a very competitive world where they will need all their academic ability, strength of character and personal skills to be happy and successful. We provide a rigorous but nurturing environment in which our students will become active and capable citizens of tomorrow.
Every child is different at each stage of their development and therefore has different needs. Pelita Hati School aims to recognise and meet these needs through a differentiated and challenging curriculum and a range of exciting additional opportunities. We pride ourselves in knowing each child and in working with each individual to realise their true potential in the classroom, in the laboratory, on the stage or on the playing field.
We hope our ethos here at Pelita Hati School reflects the style of education you want for your child. We are delighted to welcome you to our website and hopefully one day to our school.
Best Regards,
Risky Ayuningati, SP
Head of Foundation
It is my pleasure to welcome you to pelita hati school website. We nurture for a multinational student population with English as the language of instruction. Bahasa Indonesia and Chinese Language are offered. We prepare our students for continued academic success and for their future. Whilst with us, students learn to think, work and play. We want our students while learning diligently to also savor their young years of life.
We are committed to the highest standards as we deliver an PHS education encompassing academic excellence to all our students. An PHNPS education stands for the total development of a child so as to maximize his or her potential for the greater good and service to others. anchoring it is the strong belief that in addition to the mind, body and spirit, there is also a need to enrich the soul, which touches the heart and gives character to the being. Every facet of our education develops openness, respect, courteous, and compassion
We recognize that each student is unique and that individual abilities differ but we believe that everyone can benefit by being encouraged and challenged. Our classes are kept small (max. of 15 per class) so that our teachers can cater to each student?s individual needs. Students have fulfilling and meaningful school years with us as they are placed in a nurturing environment shaped by a caring and congenial community of staff and parents also the school believes that the success of the students depends on the school and parents working together and parents are invited to share about their child?s problem at home. Parents may also contribute to the enjoyment and success of their child?s schooling experience by supporting the Home Reading Programme and the completion of homework assignments.
We Prepare our students for the future, equipping them with the knowledge, skills, and understanding that will enable THEM to meet the demands of living in the 21st century. Students learn in an environment that is not only fun and safe, but also challenging and academically rigorous.
To find out more about any of our schools, please click on the desired links on this page. I look forward to meeting you and welcoming your family to Pelita Hati School.
Restu Prayogi
Pelita Hati School | Educational Manager
P : 0331 323 444
F : 0331 323 440
M : 085782340888
E : r.prayogi@gmail.com
W : www.pelitahati.sch.id
Puji dan Syukur atas segala berkat dan rahmat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, karena pada tahun 2015-2016 ini sekolah Pelita Hati School telah mencapa usianya yang ke 10 tahun. Sudah satu dekade sekolah Pelita Hati school telah memberi warna berbeda dalam dunia pendidikan, pada masayarakat umum khususnya kabupaten Jember.
Ucapan terimakasih kami sampaikan kepada pihak-pihak yang telah memberi kontribusi penuh pada pengembangan sekolah Pelita Hati School yaitu diantaranya:
- Yayasan taruna bhumi foundation atas kesempatan dan dukungan penuh untuk memberi kontribusi yang bebeda dan berkualitas dalam dunia pendidikan.
- Pemerintah daerah (dinas pendidikan) kabupaten Jember atas segala dukungan, ijin operasional serta bimbingan pada sekolah Pelita Hati School.
- Masyarakat jember yang telah mempercayakan sekolah Pelita Hati menjadi wadah untuk mendidik, membimbing dan menyiapkan putra-putri untuk menjadi generasi penerus bangsa yang siap menghadapi tantangan di era global.
- Stakeholder Pelita Hati School atas peran dan dukungan untuk memajukan sekolah Pelita Hati School.
Pelita Hati School berdiri pada tahun 2006 di bawah naungan Yayasan Taruna Bhumi Foundation. Pelita Hati School menyelenggarakan pendidikan dari PAUD, TK, SD, SMP dan SMA. Setelah melewati jenjang PAUD dan TK maka seorang anak akan memasuki jenjang sekolah dasar dimana jenjang sekolah dasar merupakan jenjang formal pertama yang dialami para siswa dan memiliki peran strategis. Pada jenjang sekolah dasar inilah pembentukan karakter, pengetahuan dan ketrampilan dasar yang harus dimiliki seorang anak sangat mempengaruhi kompetensi pada masa yang akan datang. Dalam visi dan misinya sekolah Pelita Hati School berkomitmen untuk menyiapkan pemimpin masa depan dengan sarana terbaik untuk mencapai kesuksesan. Demi mewujudkan visi tersebut, pada taun 2012 Pelita Hati School secaa resmi berkerjasama dengan LPA Cambridge dalam rangka mengaplikasikan kurikulum Cambridge pada kegiatan belajar mengajar. Dengan beberapa penyesuaian dan penggabungan antara kurikulum Cambridge dan kurikulum nasional KTSP, maka kegiatan pembelajaran tersebut kami rasa sangat baik dan sesuai untuk menyiapkan peserta didik untuk mampu bersaing di era globalisasi baik dalam ranah lokal maupun internasional.
Ada banyak terobosan yang coba kami lakukan dala rangka pengembangan sekolah ke arah yang lebih baik lagi, diantaranya: pengadaan sarana belajar yang baik, menyediakan berbagai kegiatan ekstra sesuai dengan bakat dan minat siswa baik di bidang akademik maupun non-akademik. Menyelenggarakan berbagai program berupa seminar dan beragam training dalam rangka peningkatan kualitas guru. Selain itu, sekolah Pelita Hati School juga merupakan sekolah yang menggunakan Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar dalam pembelajaran dan bahasa komunikasi sehari-hari. Demi kemajuan sekolah, kami juga menjalin kerjasama penuh dengan walimurid dan membuka kesempatan seluas-luasnya untuk dapat memberikan saran, masukan, ide-ide serta kritik yang membangun untuk memajukan sekolah ini.
Kami menyadari keberhasilan program sekolah merupakan hasil dari kerjasama yang baik antara siswa, sekolah dan orang tua. Kami menyadari betul bahwa sekolah ini tidak dapat berjalan sendiri, butuh kerjasama oleh pihak-pihak yang terkait di dalamnya. Kami sangat terbuka terhadap saran dan kritik dari berbagai pihak guna peningkatan kualitas pendidikan siswa-siswi di sekolah Pelita Hati.
Hormat Kami
Dra. Utami
The establishment of Preschool in 2006 marks an important milestone for Pelita Hati School, extending its program of excellence to the early years. Pelita Hati School realizes that early childhood is crucial stage of life; it is a time when young children develop at an incredible pace. With high qualified and experienced team of early years? practitioners, Pelita Hati School is honored to facilitate learning for your child through this remarkable phase of learning.
Our preschool is a wonderful and fun atmosphere for children, from a very warm, homely, cheerful and educational support that will nurture each individual. Implementing the school vision to nurture and encourage every student to achieve their potential maximum, we have designed special activities to stimulate a child's visual, auditory, tactile, smelling and tasting senses and to develop fine and gross motor coordination. The Preschool experience also allows a child to develop at his/her own pace, with gentle guidance using a wide range of activities, learning materials, discussion, creative play, singing and projects on relevant topics of interest to each individual.
Pelita Hati School is a place where each student is listened and cared about to develop with his/her own ability. It is also a school where each student will learn about differences and diversity on his/her skills and interest, religion and ethnic. We also place an emphasis on the transition from preschool to primary by providing an academic program. Our students' English communication background education includes personal and moral growth, social and emotional development, language and literacy skills, mathematical development, knowledge and understanding of the world, physical education and creative development.
We look forward to working together with you in making your child?s first phase of schooling a positive and rewarding experience.
Warm regards,
Dhinar Hastuti Kusumawardhani, S.S.